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Associated with the Fire of Earth path are 19 groupings of star systems and related groupings which define patterns, as with the seven systems underlying the seven rays, which constitute the 19th group. The 18th group is a 5-fold grouping which fits with the primary Hebrew vowels in the order O E I A U, Liber Loagaeth tablets 7-3, aethers 10, 19, 22, 29, and 30 as the transitions between groups, and has some relation to the SIIDIBI tablet's sigil. The pattern might be summarized as entering, shaping structures to receive, defining and focusing, spreading and affecting, and permeating. The 17th group is Antares-Sirius-Vega as in the PEOAL tablet. The 16th group is an 8-fold grouping, the first being in charge and the rest having distinct personalities. These might be characterized as defining how the rest may work, giving rise to something well defined at a lower level, definition supported by the possibility of creation, creative processes able to draw forth workers, specific defining processes, creation using definition to be able to work, specific actor as source of what happens, the possibility of definition gives rise to many modes of creation. The 15th group is a 16-fold grouping which divides into groups of 3, 5, 5, and 3. This four-fold division seems similar to the four-fold division of the NI. The first three define energies at the most basic level. The next five bring them into the space of working, following a pattern of entering, diffusing, adjusting what is there, organizing, and completing. The next five create servants of some sort to carry the energies forward, following a pattern of attracting, organizing, empowering, grouping, and sending. The last three relate to the servants, following a pattern of settling into the space of working, enlisting energies there, and working. The 14th group is a 4-fold grouping which relate to a source of energy entering into an environment. The first relates to the source empowering a process in the environment. The second relates to the source entering through an active agent in the environment. The third relates to the agent's place within the process as the process goes from disconnected from the environment to feeding into it to connected to it. The fourth relates to the agent's acting separate from the source, directing the process as it feeds into the environment. This pattern can be seen in the aethers, with the offspring of the city's mind being the agent. The four pieces fit roughly with aethers 1-9, 8-16, 12-23, and 22-30. The 13th group is a 6-fold group which involves processing things within the manifesting-defining polarity seen in the next group. The first involves defining giving rise to manifesting at multiple levels. The second involves lower levels of definition drawing on the space where deeper levels of definition work. The third involves receiving and processing energies. The fourth involves receiving definition and becoming something manifested outward with guidance from definition. The fifth is a sorting process. The sixth involves the process of going out. The 12th group is a 2-fold group which can be characterized as a manifesting-defining polarity. This can be seen in our solar system in the pairs of planets Earth-Venus, asteroids-Mars, and Saturn-Jupiter. This is a major transitional grouping, with the lower groups involved in the work of manifestation and the next some number of higher groups involved in giving definition. The 11th group is a 7-fold grouping. The first relates to drawing energies into a place where they are processed. The second relates to energy which has entered a space being drawn into the work of that space. The third relates to development of energies leading to their being sent forth. The fourth relates to energies' need for definition resulting in their being brought into the process of defining. The fifth relates to the process of development's controlling the process of ending forth. The sixth relates to the reception of energies into the process of development leading to progressively tighter levels of development. The seventh relates to progressively tighter development within the space of development. These descriptions and the ones below may naturally be subject to revision as more is learned about these systems. The next nine groups apparently involve patterns of how the galaxy functions rather than groups of star-systems, but I haven't gotten details yet. The top group is a 9-fold group which fits with the pattern of Runar's sicle rite, the first member of which is the Milky Way, the last the core of the universe, and the others unknown to me. I have received sigils for the star systems in relation to the path and spirits associated with some of them. Also, for some of the star systems I have received rings of letters that can be placed around the sigil. The sigil is on the ground with the top in the east and the magician sits in the center, somewhat like the way the Shemhamphorash triples are used in ecstatic Kabbalah. This allows the magician to enter into the energy associated with the system. This may be associated with Netzach, whereas the spirits may be associated with Hod. The circles of letters are given below clockwise from east.

Nineteenth group: A Group of Seven:


The first system is Lalande 21185.

Circle of letters: E O R L O R T Its sigil is a point surrounded by a pentagram. The points of the pentagram fit with the 5-fold pattern of the 18th group, with the point representing the star as in charge. There are six spirits, the first being in charge and the others following the 5-fold pattern: AROPR ORATU ORILC ORTOL OREXU ORLAX AROPR can be read beginning movement becomes here movement. This spirit finds a spaces of working and is in charge of the others within it. The OR of the remaining names can be read being movement, this movement being a combination of the two R's in AROPR. ORATU can be read being movement begins judgement's light. This spirit establishes the nature of the changes to be made. ORILC can be read being movement enables the primary agent to create. This spirit sets the stage for the emergence of the primary agent. ORTOL can be read being movement judging becomes primary agent. The T of ORATU becomes the L of ORILC, the primary agent now emergent. OREXU can be read being movement willing limited light. This spirit enables the creation of particular strands of light with limited time to exist as light. ORLAX can be read being movement the primary agent begins solidifying. This spirit enables the turning of the strands into established parts of the space.


The second system is Sirius A and B.

Circle of letters: I C D O A L U Its sigil is four arrows going out from a central point at right angles. The down and up arrows correspond to Antares and Vega and refer to deeper patterns and specific energies respectively. The left and right arrows have a defined vs. potential polarity. These define the space in which the subsequent sigils are interpreted. There are four spirits relating to ruling the two stars, Sirius B, Sirius A, and sending influence outward: OHPHZ ROANL ROAUO OALOT OHPHZ can be read being life emerging from what is here, here the life divides. This spirit relates to the root of the division between Sirius A and B and those patterns which reflect it. ROANL can be read movement being now that which is inside as primary agent. This spirit relates to Sirius A as internal source. ROAUO can be read movement becoming the beginning of enlightening becoming. This spirit relates to Sirius B as maker. OALOT can be read becoming the source of the First being judge. This spirit relates to Sirius's influence as ruling.


The third system is ours, ruled by the Sun.

Circle of letters: Z O I E L Its sigil is an inward spiral starting at the bottom and running clockwise 3 1/2 turns. This represents the creative process of our solar system, which starts with deeper patterns which move through the defined to give individual energies which move through potential to give deeper patterns and so on. The spirits correspond to the planetary zones: Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, asteroid belt, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Transpluto: BARQN ATRUK RQAON OARELIND ARODN OARNT KROPL VORDN ROADL ORANL OARVL OLADR The spirits corresponding to our solar system promote the emergence of new selves which combine the patterns of our world with patterns coming in from outside it, the first six fitting with patterns of our world, the last four patterns from outside, and the other two combining them. This distinction parallels PBLINFG and TSIDZIA of the AF. BARQN (Sun) can be read possibilities begin emotion desiring selfhood. This spirit promotes evolution and the desire to differentiate. ATRUK (Mercury) can be read source of balancing movement of light to create. RQAON (Venus) can be read emotional desire begins becoming self. This is a continuation of what BARQN does. OARELIND (Earth) can be read being the source of movement willing the Worldspirit's enablement of self in potential. This spirit is involved in giving rise to the Worldspirit's self outside the Earth's core. ARODN (Mars) can be read source of emotion being the potential for selfhood. This spirit assists in the emergence of selves. OARNT (asteroid belt) can be read as being the source of emotional selves judging. This spirit helps selves accumulate their forms. OLADR (transpluto) can be read becoming unity is source of the Third's movement. This spirit enables energies to join with and into what is already here. OARVL (Pluto) can be read being the source of moving light as First. This spirit enables entering energy to become a new primary agent. ORANL (Neptune) can be read becoming movement of new selves as first. This spirit enables many new selves to be made and act. ROADL (Uranus) can be read moving being begins potential for Firsthood. This spirit allows new primary agents to be created at a lower level. VORDN (Saturn) can be read light being movement of potential selfhood. This spirit defines the lower primary agents which combine the potentials from here and from energies coming in. KROPL (Jupiter) can be read creative movement becomes a space of unity. The lower primary agents absorb spaces in which to work.


The fourth system is Ross 248.

Circle of letters: A I O A F Its sigil is an inward spiral starting at the top and running counterclockwise 3 1/2 turns. This represent a creative process similar to ours but with the roles of deeper patterns and specific energies reversed. The spirits correspond to seven forces, possibly the star and planets, which have soul and personality rays similar to those of our system, though with a system of rays somewhat different from ours but also based on the seven systems. The combinations (soul/personality) are 1/6, 3/5, 6/3, 4/2, 7/1, 2/4, 5/7: RORDL ROLIN ROARK ROULO ROHUP RONZE ROZDI These spirits are involved in a process of progressive manifestation from impulse to seperate self. RORDL (1/6) can be read movement from potential to primary agency. ROLIN (3/5) can be read movement becoming primary agency enabling selfhood. ROARK (6/3) can be read movement becoming anew the movement of creation. ROULO (4/2) can be read movement becoming light as a primary being. ROHUP (7/1) can be read movement becoming breath lighting here. RONZE (2/4) can be read movement becoming self as seperate will. ROZDI (5/7) can be read movement becoming seperate potential to act.


The fifth system is Alpha Centauri A and B.

Circle of letters: A O R D S R O Its sigil is two 6-rayed asterisks in the lower right and upper left respectively and a thin spiral running counterclockwise from upper right to lower left and back and then in again. The asterisks correspond to the stars A and B respectively, which Runar has compared to Uranus and Neptune and Ben Rowe to Gedulah and Gevurah. In the context of the sigil, they fit with deeper potential patterns and defined specific patterns. The three pieces of the spiral go with creation, removal, and arranging, a pattern Ben equated with Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva. This seems to relate to some planetary scheme, with creation being comparable to Mars, definition to Mercury, and elimination having no real equivalent in our more conservative system. The spirits are a central one and ones corresponding to star B, star A, creation, elimination, and arranging: ARLIOF ARDODL ADMOAX OCRADU ORADEG CORALF ARLIOF can be read beginning movement of the primary agent able to become manifest. ARDODL can be read now moving the potential which emerges from becoming into primary agency. ADMOAX can be read now potential mind becomes the source of limitation. This spirit and ARDODL are complements which govern the primary agent from ARLIOF in drawing from a pool of potential. OCRADU can be read becoming creative movement begins potential for illumination. ORADEG can be read becoming movement which is the source of the potential to will negation. CORALF can be read creation becomes movement beginning the primary agent's manifestation. This completes the possibility in the name ALRIOF.


The sixth system is Wolf 359.

Circle of letters: T I L A E R U N B O

Its sigil is four line segments running in the four directions with an inward spiral between them which runs 2 1/4 turns clockwise. The line segments reflect the tightly defined nature of this system and the spiral may be interpretted as with systems three and four. The first spirit is in charge and the other four may be fitted with the pieces of the sigil, first with the four bounding segments, then the first 180 degrees of the spiral, then the next 270, then the last 360: AROLK OALON AROLM AOLAR RALON These spirits' names reflect a First as governing being moving progressively into creation. AROLK can be read now movement becomes a First's creation. OALON can be read becoming now First become self. AROLM can be read now movement becomes a First mind. AOLAR can be read moving source of the First become within.


The seventh system is UV Ceti A & B.

Circle of letters: I R E A Its sigil is a circle with a point at the center, another at the lower left point of the circle, and another halfway between. The lower left point reflects the systems role as relating to defined deeper patterns, the one at the center reflects the star in itself, and the one between governs interaction. The spirits fit with the points in the order center, outer, middle, which also fit with the 3-fold pattern: AOLDRA ORLAMO RAEOFA AOLDRA can be read now being the First's potential to move again. ORLAMO can be read being movement, the First again knows becoming. RAEOFA can be read moving again willing the becoming of manifesting again.

Eighteenth group: A Group of Five:


The first system is Lambda Arae.

Circle of letters: A I R O L D E A O R The sigil is a downward pointing triangle with a horizontal line dividing it and a hook shape running up from the left corner and curving right. Up and down correspond to energies coming into and going out of the systems, and left and right to influences from outside and from within the system. This sigil shows energy being drawn in by the hook, processed in combination with the star's energies, then projected forward. The spirits follow the 8-fold pattern of the 16th group: TIRL FADSELHAN AEBORDA ORDAMALE ILEANORC IORTEDCA LIAORCQ AEZIORT The first of these spirits decides where the others can act. The rest seem to create spaces of possiblity of various natures. TIRL can be read judging energy moves first. FADSELHAN can be read existent source of the possibility of possessing will uniting life as source of self. AEBORDA can be read when will multiplies becoming motion of the Third in time. ORDAMALE can be read being moving possibility of sources, emerging from mind, of primary wills. ILEANORC can be read enabling primary will now self to be motion creating. IORTEDCA can be read ability to be motion as judge willing the possiblity of creating anew. LIAORCQ can be read primary energy begins being emotion creating desire. AEZIORT can be read now wills seperate energies becoming the motion of judgement.


The second system is AT Microscopii A and B.

Circle of letters: A T O R A L D I R A O M A R A T O L I The sigil is two six-pointed asterisks in the upper left and lower right with an L-shape connecting them to the lower left, a further line running down-left from the L's corner, and a rotated L attached to this with arms running down and right. The asterisks represent the stars as dealing with influence coming in and the systems' own energies, combined in the L and then sent forth. The first spirit is in charge, the next to star B (lower right asterisk), the next to star A (upper left), the next to these joining and opening a channel for energies, the next to receiving, and the next to projecting outward: OAURIL FRATE OSLAD IRAET UORAT ORNDOL OAURIL can be read becoming change, light, movement energizing unity. FRATE can be read manfiested movement now judging will. OSLAD can be read becoming possessing united source of potential. The source of potential would be the source of the energy being processed through the system. IRAET can be read energized movement now willing judgement. UORAT can be read light becomes movement now judge. ORNDOL can be read becoming moves within the Third become First. Third here refers to the system as between the places it is receiving from and sending to, and First refers to the energy projected out in relation to where it is sent.


The third system is Delta Pavonis.

Circle of letters: E I A L A R O The sigil is a square with corners up, down, right, and left, plus an L shape connecting the center of the square to points below the side corners of the square, left and right of the bottom point. The square brings together the forms of influence and the L focuses them outward. The spirits correspond to bringing in energy and the top point, processing according to general patterns and the middle left point, processing according to local patterns and the middle right point, both ways of processing and the center point, and combining and directing out and the bottom half of the sigil: RAFTE OILAR OARTE IOATL OITAR RAFTE can be read moving to begin manifesting judging will. OILAR can be read being energy which is primary source of movement. OARTE can be read being source of movement of judging will. IOATL can be read energy becomes the source of balanced uniting. OITAR can be read being enabling balanced sources of movement.


The fourth system is AX Microscopii.

Circle of letters: O A R E I A O T I The sigil is a circle with a small cross in the center. The circle represents the creative energies and the cross the source of their flaring outward. The spirits follow a pattern of receiving, processing, orienting, packaging, directing into the flare, readying and flaring out, and releasing as the flare recedes: RAOLN OIRLT IOSTR RAIOT REAID IAXU ALORN RAOLN can be read movement now becomes a primary agent within (the star). OIRLT can be read becoming energy moving the primary agent to judgement. IOSTR can be read energy becoming possesses judging movement. RAIOT can be read moving now enables becoming judgement. REAID can be read movement willing in time enables the possibility (of being sent out later). IAXU can be read energized beginning of limited light. ALORN can be read now the primary agent being a moving self.


The fifth system is GI 810 A and B.

Circle of letters: T I R O E A L U O P I G D I The sigil is two circles, one close inside the other, with a point in the center. The two circles represent the combination of new and old energies, and the point the source of them. The spirits follow the 16-fold pattern of the 15th group: ARLI ROAF NREA MORL OGMN ORND DROA ORLT ROAD ROTA OALD NRDA AROF AROT RALI OARD ARLI can be read time moving first energies. ROAF can be read movement being time's manifestation. NREA can be read within movement of will begun. MORL can be read mind becoming a moving First. OGMN can be read becomnig not mind within. ORND can be read being movement within potential. DROA can be read potential moving becoming beginnings. ORLT can be read becoming movement of first judgement. ROAD can be read movement becoming source of possibilities. ROTA can be read movement becoming judge in time. OALD can be read becoming begins primary possibilities. NRDA can be read within motion possible in time. AROF can be read begins movement being manifested. AROT can be read begins movement being judge. RALI can be read movement begins first energies. OARD can be read being the source moving possibilities.

Seventeenth group: A group of three:


The first system is Antares A and B.

Circle of letters: I O E R A L R T O S F C R G Z The sigil has a downward arrow from the center, fitting with Sirius's sigil, and two 6-pointed asterisks in the upper left and upper right, with a circle around the left one and a line running from the circle to a point just to the left of the right one. The right asterisk represents Antares A and the line a channel from it to a region represented by the circle with Antares B at its heart. The spirits correspond the the circle as it relates to the channel, Antares B, Antares A, the four upper parts of the sigil together, and the ability to project energy: OTALC TOLAI ORTIA IRATE REITO OTALC can be read becoming balanced begins the First's creation. The First here refers to star B as in charge inside the circle. TOLAI can be read judgement becomes united as source of energy. This spirit relates to star B's uniting with the patterns in the circle. ORTIA can be read being moves judger as energized source. This spirit relates to star A taking charge through star B. IRATE can be read energy's movement as source of balanced will. This spirit relates to the previous things, having found their proper arrangement, now able to send out balanced will. REITO can be read movement willing enables balanced becoming.


The second system is Sirius A and B which is as above.

Circle of letters: I C D O A L U


The third system is Vega.

Circle of letters: A O R E I L N A R E S O I A L R P O S U I The sigil is an arrow pointing up, starting in the center and thus matching with the part of Sirius's sigil which relates to Vega. The four spirits correspond to the star in itself, receptivity to Siruis and Antares, sending to them, and the flow of energy: OTR AORTE ORADL OREIA OTR can be read being balanced movement. AORTE can be read time becoming movement of balancing will. ORADL can be read being movement now with the potential for uniting. OREIA can be read being moving will as energy source.

The Sixteenth Group: A group of eight.


The first system is GSC2 N00000102047.

Circle of letters: E I O A R S E N I L A U R P Its sigil is a triangle with two equal sides meeting in a right angle at the top, with lines running in from the midpoints of the sides to a central point, lines connecting the left midpoint to the other midpoints, and a hook running down from the bottom midpoint. The left and right corners of the triangle have a defining-creative polarity also seen in the planetary pairs Venus-Earth, Mars-asteroids, and Jupiter-Saturn. The top corner implements their combined energies. The center point is a balance between these, and the other lines connect the various energies. The hook represents that this is the source of the group of 8's working, drawing in through the combination of the two bottom corners. The remaining sigils are defined in relation to this one.


The second system is HD 18166.

Circle of letters: I O B A F R G A L U E S I M O Its sigil has the bottom and left sides of the triangle and the bottom half of the right, with lines connecting the midpoint of the left with the other midpoints, and a hook coming down from the top. This indicates energies processed out through the left side, with the right in a supporting role.


The third system is HD 159462.

Circle of letters: R L O I A S U E L T O A N Its sigil has the bottom and left sides of the triangle, with the line connecting the left and right midpoints and lines running down from these to the bottom to form a rectangle, plus a hook running down from the top. This indicates energies processed out through the left side with support from the bottom line.


The fourth system is HD 5098 A and B.

Circle of letters: A L I O U D R F U X T G Its sigil has the bottom and right sides of the triangle and a large hook coming down from the top. This indicates energies being processed out through the right side in a way embracing the balance of the center.


The fifth system is HD 206859.

Circle of letters: O I R L E M U C I Its sigil has the left side and slightly more than half of the bottom side of the triangle, with lines in the left corner forming a small triangle and its horizontal divider, and a hook coming up from the right end of the portion of the bottom side. This indicates drawing from the central balance but processing out through the left in a complex way.


The sixth system is Antares A and B.

For practical purposes, one should use the sigil from the 17th group. To understand the role in the group of 8, there is a sigil with the bottom and right sides of the triangle, with an inner triangle connecting the sides midpoints and a hook running down-left from the top. This indicates processing out through the right, with the right assuming some of the properties of the left.


The seventh system is GSC2 S220212162702.

Circle of letters: U O I E L F O R A T B Its sigil has the right and bottom sides of the triangle, with the line connecting the bottom to the center and a hook running left from the center. This indicates drawing energy from the center to the bottom and processing it out the right.


The eighth system is SAO 190777 A and B.

Circle of letters: F A L I S C R M T Its sigil has the bottom and right sides of the triangle and the bottom half of the left, with a line running from the top to the bottom side at a point a quarter of the way from right to left, and a hook running down from the left midpoint. This indicates receiving from the left side and processing out through the right in a complex way.

The 15th group: A group of 16.


The first system is FN Leonis.

These sigils are defined in terms of a square divided into four quarters. The upper left and lower right squares have a potentiality-implementation polarity, the lower left and upper right a controlling power-serving polarity. This system's sigil has the left and bottom sides of the top left square and most of the top and right sides which form an L approaching the first part. These indicate that potential moves out primarily through the power side, with the serving side supporting. Also, there is a line extending right from the center halfway to the edge and another running down from there to the bottom, with a 3 1/2 turn spiral running left and up from it. This indicates that the energy moves into the serving side and is then implemented through the spiral. Also, there is a line running halfway down from the center, indicating that the power side supports this implementation.


The second system in GSC2 S00320129181.

Its sigil contains the left and bottom sides of the upper left square, with a hook running in from the upper left corner, indicating that energy is drawn into potentiality and moves through the power side. There are a line running halfway down from the center of the left side, an L-shape cosisting of the left half of the bottom of the lower right square and a line up from it almost to the top of the square, and the right side of the square with a hook running left from the bottom. These indicate that energy comes from a power source, represented by the L, supported by the left line, and drawn into the center through the line with the hook. Finally, there is a line running from the center to the middle of the right side of the lower right square, indicating a movement part of the way into implementation.


The third system is SAO 75626 A, B, and C.

It sigil contains the left and bottom sides of the upper left and lower right squares, indicating a movement from potential to implementation through the power side. There is a hook running up from the bottom of the upper left side and a 3 1/2 turn spiral running down and left from the same point. These indicate that energy in drawn in through potential and manifests into a power through the spiral. The influence of this is then felt through a line connecting the centers of the left and bottom sides of the lower left square.


The fourth system is GSC2 N00230231287.

Its sigil contains the top and right sides of the upper left square, with a line connecting the centers of the bottom and right sides of the square. This indicated potential manifesting through the serving side with support from the power square. It also includes the left side of the lower right square and a 3 1/2 turn spiral running from its bottom left and up. This indicates energy entering through the power side and spiralling into implementation.


The fifth system is SAO 169322 A and B.

Its sigil includes the left and bottom sides of the upper left square, with a hook running in from the upper left corner almost to the center. This indicates energies drawn in from those already created entering through potentiality on the power side. It also includes the top of the lower right square, an L containing most of the left side of the square and a little less than half of its bottom side, and a V connecting the squares upper right corner to the middle of its bottom and approaching its upper left corner. The L represents guiding powers which combine with the previous energy moved through the serving side, to give a beginning of implementation represented by the bottom of the V.


The sixth system is HD 13474 A and B.

This system has something to do with the AF. It contains the left side and upper left to lower right diagonal of the upper left square, plus an arc above the bottom side connecting the corners. This represents potential moving directly to implementation with some influence from the power side. It also includes the left side of the upper right square and an arc below its top side, indicating serving energies are also drawn in. Finally, it includes the left side and upper left to lower right diagonal of the lower right square, indicating implementation following the pattern of the potential.


The seventh system is GSC2 S33122121063.

Its sigil includes the bottom and right sides of the upper left square plus a dash running in from the square's center toward its lower right corner. These indicate that energies already brought in are being worked with, with indirect influence from their sources reflected in the dash. It also includes the upper left to lower right diagonal of the lower left square and all but the top of the square's right side, indicating that energy moves in through the power side to contribute to and support implementation. Finally, it includes the left halves of the diagonals of the lower right square, indicating that the energies and the power processing combine to contribute to implementation.


The eighth system is HD 224930 A, B, C, and D.

Its sigil includes the bottom and right sides of the upper left square, plus the diagonal from the square's center to lower right and six-pointed asterisks in the two angles formed. This indicates that two of the stars are involved in governing the energies as they enter from potentiality. It also includes the bottom side of the upper right square with an asterisk in the center of the square, indicating that one of the stars in involved in the serving side contributing to implementation. Finally, there is an asterisk in the center of the lower left square with a half-circle below it, indicating that one of the stars in involved on the power side and that its influence is less direct.


The ninth system is GSC 05062-01400.

Its sigil includes the left and bottom sides of the lower left square with an asterisk in the center of the square. These indicate that the star acts as a governing power. It also includes the lower left to upper right diagonal of the upper left square and an arc running from the upper left to lower right corners of the upper right square, with two hooks running up left from the arc and a line through them. These indicate that the star's influence moves through potential to pull in serving energies. Finally, there is an arc from the lower left corner of the lower right square to the center of its right side, indicating energy moving from the star into implementation complementing the attraction of serving energies.


The tenth system is HD 344201 A and B.

Its sigil includes all but the top of the lower left to upper right diagonal of the upper left square and the left and bottom sides of the lower left square. These indicate power governed by the influence from potentiality. It also includes the top, right, and bottom sides of the upper right square and all but the bottom of the upper right to lower left diagonal of the lower left square. These indicate serving energies governed by the influence from the power side.


The eleventh system is GSC N00211331607.

Its sigil includes the top and left sides of the upper left square with a horizontal dash in the center of the square. These indicate potentiality gathered into an indirect governor, indicated by the dash. It also includes a half circle connecting the left corners of the lower left side, indicating a supporting influence from the power side. It also includes a quarter circle connecting the upper left and lower right corners of the upper right square, indicating energy moving from potentiality to implementation through the serving side, carrying serving energies into implementation. Finally, it includes the right and bottom sides of the lower right square, plus the bottom half of the left side and a circle atop this. This indicates that the serving energies are turned into implementing powers represented by the circle.


The twelfth system is GSC2 N002113238.

Its sigil includes the lower left to upper right diagonal of the upper left square. This connects the power and serving sides. It also includes the top and right sides of the upper right square. This indicates that the serving side is involved in a simple manner. Finally, it includes the left and right sides of the lower left square plus its lower left to upper right diagonal and a hook running down from the lower left corner. These indicate that the power side draws in from a power source and combines this with the influence from the serving side, thus grouping the serving energies empowered by the previous system.


The thirteenth system is GSC2 S230032064452.

Its sigil includes the left and bottom sides of the upper left square and a line connecting their centers. This indicates potentiality moving in through the power side and into the power side. It also includes the right side of the lower left square and an arc connecting the center of its top side with its lower right corner. These indicate the energy moving in from above being prepared for implementation.


The fourteenth system is EH Eridanus A and B.

Its sigil includes the left and bottom sides of the upper left square and an asterisk in its center. These indicate the star as source of potentiality moving through the power side. It also includes the upper left to lower right diagonal of the lower right square. This indicates energies moving directly into implementation.


The fifteenth system is GSC2 303011015899.

Its sigil includes the left and bottom sides of the lower left square with a quarter circle connecting the centers of these sides and a dash between the corner of the L and the center of the quarter circle, the right and top sides of the upper right square with a quarter circle connecting the centers of these sides and a dash between the corner of the L and the center of the quarter circle, and another dash in the center of the sigil along the same diagonal as the others. These indicate governing and serving energies separate but interacting.


The sixteenth system is HD 208185 A, B, and C.

Its sigil includes the top and left sides of the upper right and lower left squares and the upper left to lower right diagonal of the lower right square. These indicate the power and serving sides oriented toward implementation. It also includes a half circle inside the upper right square. This indicates internal processing within the serving side. Finally, it includes an L containing most of the left and bottom sides of the lower right square, indicating an external power influencing the process of implementation.

The Fourteenth group: A group of four:


The first system is GSC2 S1231006961.

Its sigil is an arc running from the bottom point to the left-hand point followed by a 360 degree clockwise inward spiral. The arc represents the source's connecting with defining factors in the environment and the spiral with the process empowered.


The second system is GSC2 S12020131992.

Its sigil is a line from the bottom point to the left-hand point followed by an arc running from there to the center where it meets a six-pointed asterisk. The asterisk represents the agent.


The third system is BD-15 3367 A+B.

Its sigil is a six-pointed asterisk in the center surrounded by a circle with lines running up-left from the upper left point of the circle, this line not touching the circle, up from the upper right point, and down right from the lower right point. The asterisk in the circle represents the agent in the process, with the lines representing the progress of the process into the environment.


The fourth system is RST 3757 A,B,C.

Its sigil is a line from a point above the left-hand point to a point to the right of the bottom point, plus a six- pointed asterisk in the upper left and a circle with a dot in the center and a line running up from it in the lower right. The line represents seperation from the original entry of the source. The asterisk represents the agents and the circle and its line the process feeding into the environment.

The Thirteenth group: A group of six.


The first system is GSC2 N103110113237.

Its sigil is a line on the right side with a semicircle running left from its top and bottom points, plus three shorter lines running left, up left, and down left from the center of the first line, with a semicircle connecting the higher and lower of these, going around the middle line. The right represents the defining side and the left the manifesting, with the first line and semicircle representing the basic influence of definition into manifesting. Down and up relate to coming in and going out, with the three shorter lines being oriented towards these and processing within the system. The second semicircle represents these having influence at a subtler level.


The second system is GSC2 N1233230765.

Its sigil is a semicircle running right from the top and bottom left points plus a narrower arc connecting these points, with three lines running from inside the crescent to the second arc, X's at the end of the top and bottom of these, and an 8-pointed asterisk at the end of the middle one. The two sides of the crescent represent deeper and lower levels of definition, and the three lines let the lower draw on influences represented by the X's and asterisk. The three lines follow the same pattern as those in the previous sigil.


The third system is HD 182640 A,B,C.

Its sigil consists of circles in the bottom left and right corners with arcs running up from these to the top corners and small curves running down and center from them. Also, there is a vertical line in the center and a line slanted toward upper left-lower right. The circles represent agents receiving energies coming in and the arcs their processing. The lines represent the movement through the system and the influence of the definition to manifestation direction on it.


The fourth system is GSC2 N12130221481.

Its sigil is a small outward clockwise 360 spiral in the bottom center which leads into a leftward semicircle running to the top, plus three lines slanted upper right-lower left in the middle. The spiral and semicircle represent energies getting definition as they come in and turning into something manifestable outward. The three lines represent the influence of definition on this second part and follow the same three-fold pattern as the lines in the previous sigils.


The fifth system is HD 156014J A,B,C,D.

Its sigil has circles in the top and right with a quarter-circle connecting them, a line running up-right from this's center to another circle, with a cross running up-right from this, short lines running horizontally and up right-down left through the quarter- circle, lines running vertically and down left from these to the lower left corner, and a short line connecting these near that corner. The triangle formed by these last three lines represents the agency receiving the manifestable forms produced in the last system, which feed into the processing represented by the first parts. The two circles represent agencies of definition and sending outward which prepare energies to be sent. The third circle represents an agency which is capable of processing energies not ready to go out by bouncing them into and out of the cross.


The sixth system is GSC 00443-02829.

Its sigil is a three turn clockwise inward spiral starting at bottom center. The spiral represents the stages of processing energies out.

The Twelfth group: A group of two.


The first system is Delta Hydri.

Its sigil is a line from bottom left to center left leading into a 360 inward clockwise spiral, with a six-pointed asterisk in the center and a triangle running down from near its bottom. The line and triangle represent influence being received, the asterisk the direction of the star, and the spiral the process of manifestation.


The second system is GSC2 N1211300158 A,B,C.

Its sigil has asterisks in the bottom left, center top, and center right, with a T shape between these. This represents the influence of the main star being passed out through the other two.

The Eleventh group: A group of seven.


The first system is WDS 12508+2926 A and B.

Its sigil is a six-pointed asterisk in the lower left corner, a curve running from the left of this coutercloskwise to the middle left and then in to the center, a square with corners up, down, right, and left in the center, and a six-pointed asterisk whose top arm crosses the bottom point of the square. The first asterisk represent the first which sends energies through a process of definition represented by the curve into the space represented by the square where they are processed by the second star.


The second system is GSC 02007-00767 A,B,C. 

Its sigil is a line running from lower left to top middle, followed by a curve running clockwise through the bottom middle to a point to the left of center, followed by four sides of a pentagram starting right and continuing clockwise. The line represents energy entering the system, the curve its being drawn into the work of the system, and the corners of the pentagram five stages of its development.


The third system is GSC 00989-00341. 

Its sigil is a spiral starting in the lower left and running a little more than three turns clockwise inward, ending in two sides of a pentagram meeting at their top point, with a cross between these. The spiral represents a process of developing energies, with the two sides representing the last two stages from the previous system and the cross the process of sending energies forth.


The fourth system is HD 148552 A and B. 

Its sigil is a thin loop running from bottom left counterclockwise to top right and back to a point above the starting point, with two six-pointed asterisks inside near the ends and a similar smaller loop between them. The outer loop represents processes of definition generally and the inner one the specific processes governed by the stars represented by the asterisks.


The fifth system is GSC2 N103110117404. 

Its sigil is a spiral starting at bottom center and running a little more than three turns clockwise inward, ending in the two sides of a pentagram meeting at the top plus the horizontal side. The spiral represents a processes of developing energies which ends in the last two stages from the second system, the horizontal arm representing energies of the first stage governing the completion of the process.


The sixth system is CSI+19-14148. 

Its sigil is a curve starting in the lower left, running up to middle left, then running clockwise through three quarters of a circle, the running left to a point just to the right of the starting point. Also, there is a thin loop inside of this starting in the lower left and running clockwise to upper right and back to a point to the right of the starting point, with a line inside this loop and two crosses between the curve and loop in the upper left and lower right. The crosses represent receiving energies into the system and the curve, loop, and line progressively tighter levels of development of those energies.


The seventh system is WD 19373+1309 A,B,C. 

Its sigil is a curve starting at the lower left, running up to near the top left, arcing across to near the top right, and then running straight back to a point to the right of the starting point. Inside this is a spiral following the same pattern for two inward turns and ending in an upward line ending in a small loop. The outer curve represents the system as a space for development of energies and spiral the process of progressively tighter development.
